+49 5461 7089089

Nexcelom Cellometer
- The Art of Cell Counting
  • Reproducibility
  • Efficiency
  • Precision
  • Flexibility

Precise cell counting is the start of every experiment. And because cells and their origins can be quite different and hence counting offers different challenges, Nexcelom has developed the Cellometer Cell Counter and Cytometer Family for highest quality in professional use. From simple bright field counters for traditional trypan blue stainings to GxP compliant and highly flexible double fluorescence instruments there are solutions for simple cell culture counts or highly sensible primary cells and even cellular assays like cell cycle and transfection efficiency with simple and fast protocols.

Nexcelom Cellometer Cell Counters and Imaging Cytometer

Cells are different, and so are your counting needs.
Reproducibility, efficiency, precision with the Cellometer Family.


Faster, easier and more precise
Next Generation Cell Counting

Auto T4 Cell Counter - Cell Count and Imaging Cytometry


Compact Brightfield Counting
with a GxP option

Spectrum Image Cytometer - Cell Count and Imaging Cytometry


Counting, Cellular Assays, 
and True Imaging Cytometry



K2 Cell Counter - Cell Count and Imaging Cytometry


Multifunctional Counting
with a GxP Option

X2 Cell Counter - Cell Count and Imaging Cytometry


Dedicated Counting
for Yeast and Small Cells


For details on the many applications possible on the various Cellometer types please connect with us.


Cellometer Cell Counter and Cytometer Consumables - Cell Count and Imaging Cytometry
  • ViaStain AO staining solution
  • ViaStain AOPI staining solution
  • ViaStain PI staining solution
  • ViaStain AOPI yeast viability
  • ViaStain CFDA-AM yeast vitality stain
  • Yeast dilution buffer
  • Live Caspase 3/7 Detection Kit with Hoechst
  • Check Validation Bead Solution
  • Polystrene beads (small, medium, large)
Cellometer Cell Counter Counting Chambers - Cell Count and Imaging Cytometry
  • PD100 Counting Chambers
  • PD300 Counting Chambers
ULA Nexcelom Celigo Imaging Cytometer Plate - Cell Count and Imaging Cytometry
  • 96-well ULA spheroid plate
  • 384-well ULA spheroid plate
Cellometer Cell Counter Counting Chambers - Cell Count and Imaging Cytometry
  • SD100 Counting Chambers
  • SD25 Counting Chambers