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Yokogawa Cell Voyager CQ3000
  • High resolution 3D images in high speed
  • Water immersion for more resolution and brightness
  • Live Cell Imaging
  • Deep Learning Analysis Option

The CQ3000 is the latest member of Yokogawa´s integrated high content imaging line. With the standard setting microlense enhanced double Nipkow spinning disc it provides “Yokogawa-style” image quality and with the option for a second camera even more speed than it´s smaller brother CQ1. Furthermore the CQ3000 offers water immersion objective options for even more resolution and brightness.

Yokogawa CQ3000

The powerful CellPathFinder analysis and visualization software is part of the standard CQ3000 package and helps to turn images into data with maximum ease and speed. Due to its extra speed the CQ3000 is suited for medium to large screening campaigns and can be easily integrated in robotic setups.