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Explore the Secret Life of Single Cells!

FluidFM OMNIUM Single Cell Nanosurgery
  • Gentle, force-controlled nanosyringes preserve cell viability
  • Controlled nano-Injections and nano-biopsies  
  • Time resolved single cell transcriptome analyses
  • True monoclonal CRISPR modifications
  • Single cell handling
  • Single cell biomechanics

A versatile platform for precision single-cell manipulation, injection, and biopsy

When it comes to achieving results from individual cells, the manipulation no longer ends with the end of the cell. The FluidFM OMNIUM provides a gentle way to either inject very small volumes into the cell or even the nucleus, or extracting a liquid biopsy from the cytoplasm. The volumes are so small that the viability of the cell is maintained and hence new applications and analyses made possible. Starting with a time resolved transcriptome analysis as recently published (liveSeq), mRNA sequencing or mass spec can be applied. 

Starting from a single cell, CRISPR injections tend to be much more controlled and efficient compared to bulk methods, and guaranteed monoclonality comes as a bonus.

Furthermore the fully controlled manipulation and placement of single cells comes in handy in many areas, as well as a precise and force controlled sensor for experiments in single cell biomechanics.  


Episode 5 - How a Swiss Innovation Cracked a Tricky Scientific Puzzle


The OMNIUM is the instrument incorporating all the possibilities of Cytosurge´s FluidFM Technology. Based on a microscope body, it includes and integrates the dedicated mechanics to reach out to the cells, and the delivery of extracted samples or cells, and the reservoirs for deliverables to the cells. The options for the microscope are flexible regarding fluorescence and objective use, and so are those for the accesories, such as a hotbox and the low vibe table.

The OMNIUM is completed by its dedicated software package, making the exploitation of the FluidFM technology an easy task in the hands of the busy researcher.    

Specific science solutions based on the FluidFM OMNIUM are also available as a service.




FluidFM technology unites the best features of microfluidics and force microscopy by introducing closed microscopic channels into force sensitive probes. With this truly unique combination, FluidFM enables you to go beyond conventional technological boundaries in single cell research, nanotechnology, and biophysics.

Temporal single cell
profiling on biopsies
taken from living cells

Pattern, stimulate,
inject into, and analyze
single neurons with FluidFM.

Overcome CRISPR Cell Line
Engineering Delivery Limitations
with FluidFM

Go beyond bulk experiments
and study infections with
single virion precision.

Measure cell adhesion
with the FluidFM technology
in native environment.

Print any pattern at
sub-micrometer resolution.
With any ink. In liquid & air.


Main Publication

A. Meister, M. Gabi, P. Behr, P. Studer, J. Vörös, P. Niedermann, J. Bitterli, J. Polesel-Maris, M. Liley, H. Heinzelmann & T. Zambelli. FluidFM: Combining atomic force microscopy and nanofluidics in a universal liquid delivery system for single cell applications and beyond. (2009) Nano Letters, 9(6), 2501-2507.


M. Menetrey, C. van Nisselroy, M. Xu, J. Hengsteler, R. Spolenak & T. Zambelli. Microstructure-driven electrical conductivity optimization in additively manufactured microscale copper interconnects.  (2023) RSC Advances.

N. Chala, X. Zhang, T. Zambelli, Z. Zhang, T. Schneider, D. Panozzo, D. Poulikakos & A. Ferrari. 4D Force Detection of Cell Adhesion and Contractility. (2023) Nano Letters.
