Cellometer K2
Cell counting and analysis for primary cells with GxP compliance.
The Cellometer K2 utilizes bright field imaging and dual-fluorescence imaging to quickly and accurately identify and count individual cells. Cell count, concentration, diameter, and % viability are automatically calculated and reported.
The Cellometer K2 is specifically optimized for analysis of primary cells from peripheral blood, cord blood, bone marrow, and other complex samples for use in a wide range of research areas, including:
- Nucleated Cells for Transplantation
- PBMCs for Immunology
- Hepatocytes
- Splenocytes for Vaccine Development
- Stem Cells for Cellular Therapy
- Tumor Cell Suspensions for Oncology
Dual-color fluorescence allows for staining of live and dead nucleated cells, generating accurate viability results even in the presence of debris, platelets, and red blood cells. Accurate analysis of both ‘messy’ and ‘clean’ samples enables the K2 to evaluate samples at a variety of points throughout sample processing – from initial collection to separation, to cryopreservation.
As an option the K2 is compliant with CFR21part11 requirements and can be operated under GxP in regulated environments.
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Bright Field
- Cell Line
- Cultered Primary Cells
- NCI60 Cancer Cell Lines
- Trypan Blue Viability
- Cell Size Assay
Fluorescence Assays
- Dual Fluorescence Viability (e.g. AOPI)
- Low Concentration Cell Lines
- Primary Cells (Messy Sample)
- Cell Concentration & Viability for Clinical Samples
- GxP option
Specific Cells
- Insect Cells
- WBCs in Whole Blood
- Splenocytes
- Stemm Cells
- Hepatocytes
- Adipocytes
Cell-Based Assays
- Apoptosis (Annexin V-FITC/PI)
- Apoptosis (Caspase Activity)
- Cell Cycle (PI)
- GFP Transfection
- Vitality (Calcein-AM/PI)
- Cellometer K2 Instrument
- Cellometer Software
- Two Standard Fluorescence Optics Module
- Power Supply
- USB 2.0 Connection Cable
- Phone/online applications support during set-up
Available Accessories:
- PC laptop
Imaging Performance:
Cell Size 5-300* microns
Conc. Range: 105 - 107 cells/ml
Bright field imaging, fluorescent imaging and pattern-recognition software
to quickly and accurately decluster, identify and count individual cells.
* Cellometer CHT4-PD300 Slides are required for cells > 80 microns in diameter
Instrument Specifications:
Weight: 23.0 lbs. (10.4 kg)
- Width: 6.0" (15.2 cm)
- Depth: 8.5" (21.6 cm)
- Height: 14.0" (35.6 cm)
Input to Power Adapter: 100-240 VAC, 50%60 Hz, 1.0A
Output to Instrument: 12 VDC, 3.34A
PC/Laptop Minimum Requirements:
- Windows 7, 8, or 10
- 2.2 GHz or higher processor
- USB 2.0 port or higher
- Display resolution: 1024x768 pixels or higher
- Intel Mac with Parallels/Windows
Available Fluorescence Optics Modules:
VC-535-403 Excitation / Emission: 470nm/535nm
Example Fluorophores: Acridine Orange, CFDA, FITC
VC-660-503 Excitation / Emission: 540nm/660nm
Example Fluorophores: Propidium Iodide (PI), Ethidium Bromide, 7-AAD